

Pind Daan in Gaya

Pind Daan in Gaya

Pind daan as per Hindu belief is a ritual to offer homage to the departed soul. Pind daan in Gaya and other places is a very important Hindu ritual and is performed by the relatives of the person who left for the heavenly abode.

We are serving people coming to offer pind daan to their forefathers from ancient time to till date. People from all over world visit Gaya to do the rituals and to have darshan of holy places at Gaya. Our Dharamshala is a place where people get best service for visiting the holy places at Gaya, doing the rituals at their language, getting accommodation and having meal. We believes in Purity, trustworthy organization only in gaya,Bihar. 

Pind daan in Gaya ji is very important because it is believed that departed souls visit Gaya Ji waiting for their family members to offer them food and attain peace post-death. So, it is a mandatory ritual for every Hindu to perform Gaya Shradh Karma for their passed ancestors. 

Why pind daan is important and done in Gaya?

1. Gaya is known for its rich history. It holds importance from a religious point of view, particularly for Hindus.

2. The famous Vishnupad temple is located in Gaya, a prime location for pind daan in Gaya.

3. Gaya organizes the famous pitru paksha mela every year. Lakhs of people around the world visit Gaya Ji to attend this mela and offer pind daan.

4. Around 10 KM from Gaya is situated Bodhgaya, another important place for pind daan.

5. Around 12 lakhs year ago, Lord Rama came to Gaya to offer pind daan for his late fathers Dasaratha Gaya is famous for its famous Falgu river. People perform shradh karma at the bank of the Falgu.

Gaya ji
How much does Pind Daan cost in Gaya?

After completing the pind daan ritual, pandit ji will ask to carry the pind/rice balls and put them on the feet of lord Vishnu, Vishnupad. The normal charge of gaya ji pind daan is around Rs3000/ for private puja. In case one wants to do pind daan in group, the charges are around Rs 500/.

What are the rules for Pind Daan in Gaya?

The Pind Daan at Gaya needs to be performed at 3 holy spots and in the following order – Phalgu River, Vishnu Pad Temple, and the Akshay Vat Tree. At each spot you sit on the floor facing South and the Pundit facing you. You make the Pind balls and perform the pooja on the floor as directed by the Pundit.

Where is Pind Daan done in Gaya?

The Pind Daan at Gaya needs to be performed at 3 holy spots and in the following order – Phalgu River, Vishnu Pad Temple, and the Akshay Vat Tree. At each spot you sit on the floor facing South and the Pundit facing you. You make the Pind balls and perform the pooja on the floor as directed by the Pundit.

How many times should Pind Daan be done?
The Pind Daan is performed for three previous generations from both, maternal and paternal, sides.
What are the benefits of Pind Daan Gaya?
Performing Pind Daan in Gaya is thought to help in liberating the souls of ancestors, ensuring their peace and spiritual well-being. What is Pind Daan? Pind Daan is a ritual where offerings, known as Pinds, are made for the souls of deceased ancestors.
Can ladies do Pind Daan in Gaya?
In circumstances where male relatives perform Pind Daan/Gaya Shrad, women can equally and fully participate in the entire ceremony along with their brothers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, etc.